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A mini forum component for Elxis available for free download Blog

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Bubbles forum

Bubbles v2.0
Bubbles v2.0

At last, after a long time Elxis has a forum extension again. The new component is named Bubbles. You can install it in your Elxis powered site and have an integrated forum solution. Although Bubbles is brand new, it released as version 2.0, and not 1.0 as you may expect. This is because Bubbles 1.x was an old Elxis 2009.x series component. Bubbles 2.x is a brand new, modern application written from scratch especially for the Elxis 5.x platform. You can use it as a forum, as a FAQ tool, to provide support, as a communication gateway between your site members and visitors and for any other purpose you may find it useful.

Bubbles features at a glance

We refer to Bubbles as a mini forum component however it has many features of a full-featured one. The management of the forum is extremely easy and you can configure it via parameters. Bubbles allows guest posting in a secure way in order to be able to use it as a support tool. However, if you only want logged-in users to be able to post messages you can disable guests access. When a guest is about to create a new topic, or submit a reply, Bubbles sends a unique verification code to his e-mail address. The guest has to to check his e-mails, copy the verification code, and paste it into Bubbles in order to complete the submission.

Bubbles forum
Bubbles v2.0 frontpage

All user generated topics are public. However you can create private ones from the forum parameters. On each private topic you can limit the access only to specific users, or to users of a specific user group, or to users having a minimum access level. These topics will be visible only to users allowed to access them.

Bubbles has a WYSIWYG BBCode editor integrated which is easy to use and mobile friendly. Also, you can attach files and images to your posts and even remote images (configurable) and YouTube videos. When having multiple images Bubbles will automatically generate a gallery. Other supported features: Lock/Unlock topic, smileys, RTL language, mobile friendly, IP tracking for visitors, counter for replies and users posts, tags, author posts, search (for tags or in title), posts editing, post icons, and more.

Visit and download Bubbles, it's totally free!

Articolo precedente
E-mail marketing tools
Articolo successivo
User config files