Elxis 5.1 Cronus is an improved version of the Elxis 5.x series. The most important new feature of this release is the automatic updates. Since version 5.1 Elxis is able to update itself with just 1 click by the site administrator. No more update patches and manual procedures! When a new version is available, or when a new release of the same version is available Elxis displays a releated notification and the site administrator has only to click a button to updated his Elxis to the latest release.
Most important changes, fixes and additions in Elxis 5.1 Cronus in comparison to Elxis 5.0 Uranus.
- Automatic Elxis update
- Datetime picker to version 0.1.39
- Jodit editor updated to version 3.3.24
- Swift mailer updated to version 5.4.8
- Sticky data action buttons on top of listing tables
- Added the option to hide article title in component Content
- Extensions manager: You can now perform search on extensions listed on EDC
- Extensions manager: Removed site registration, extension rating and extension report options
- Compined form elements: Added addCombined method on elxis5Form library
- elxis5Form style tabs in elxisTabs library
- Updated Elxis Defender general rules
Elxis 5.1 Cronus rev2356
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Il s'agit d'une version obsolète!