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5 consejos para administradores Elxis : Blog

Small but important Elxis features useful to administrators. Blog

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5 consejos para administradores Elxis

Small but important Elxis features useful to administrators.

Elxis has several tools and options not visible on first sight. When we work on Elxis we mostly focus on creating categories, articles and menus and not the small details. Others don't use some options by the fear not to break something. In this article we will shed some light on some small but important Elxis features and reserve for more on a later article.

Single user login in administration section.

By default all users having access level of 70 or more (managers and administrators) are allowed to login and access the administration interface. You can change that to allow only administrators or even a single user! Select from menu Users > Access manager. From the list of ACL rules locate the one with Category = administration, Element = interface, Action = Login. Highlight the row and click Edit button. To set login available only to administrators then from the Group drop down box select Administrator and click Save. To allow only to a single user (preferable you, the main administrator) to access the administration console then from the User drop down box select the user you want and click Save. Only this user will now be able to access the administrator interface and no other, even other administrators!

Manage ACL rules
Setting an ACL rule for a single user.

Manage plugin entries without using the editor.

Since Elxis 4.2 you can manage plugin entries without having to go through the editor. From the list of installed plugins highlight the plugin row you want (it has to be published) and click the Manage button. The guided input window will be displayed where you can create entries or manage the existing ones. This is very useful for plugins that stores data in the database like the Mini shop or the Gallery plugin.

Manage quickly item's translations.

Since Elxis 4.2 you can manage categories, articles, menus, etc, translations without opening the item for edit. From the list of items (articles, categories, etc) highlight the item you want and click on Translations. A window will be displayed where you can change, add or delete item's translations in all published languages.

Automatic redirection to user's language

If Language detection is enabled in Elxis configuration then when someone visits Elxis he will be redirected automatically to the language version of the site that corresponds to his native language. Off course this language has to be published, if not, he will see the site in its default language. Requires Elxis 4.2 or newer.

Language detection
Language detection setting in Elxis configuration.

Check email settings

It is very important that the site is able to send e-mails. If you have wrong e-mail settings in Elxis configuration then you will miss notifications sent by Elxis, contact requests, etc. To check everything is OK go to Configuration and click on tab E-mail. At the bottom of the page click on Send test email. A test e-mail will be send from the Sender to the Recipient as you have set them above. Check your mailbox, if you received the e-mail then your e-mail settings are correct. Note that we recommend using SMTP for sending e-mails. Requires Elxis 4.2 or newer.