Open Shop is provided for free as a component for Elxis CMS. Just one click and you have a full featured shopping cart installed in your Elxis powered site. Lately, Ioannis Sannos, the developer of Open Shop, released version 2.0 of the software. The new version brings a bunch of new features and a total re-design of the shop layout. The interface is elegant and friendly to mobile devices and tablets. You can sell both physical and digital or immaterial products online. Digital products can be download-able (software, documents, etc) which customers will get automatically after a successful payment. Open Shop can be used as a products catalog (no prices shown), as a demo shop (no payments/orders) and as a normal shop. Moreover since version 2 you can hide prices for individual products by using the Call for price feature. Call For Price navigates customer to contact shop administrator and ask for a price offer for a specific product instead of placing the product into cart.
Open Shop control panel
Most important features
Unlimited categories and sub-categories of any level
Products comparison and wish list
Support for digital, intangible and download-able goods.
Discounts, discount coupons and gift certificates.
Product variants and price modifiers.
Quick cart
Quick checkout process
Sales reports and logistics book with graphs that can be exported as excel (xls) spreadsheet.
Products XML export for price comparison sites (,
Licenses Management System allows you to sell licenses, activation keys, tickets, lottery numbers and similar with immaterial products (LMS - commercial addon by Is Open Source)
Advanced search, product tags and tags cloud.
Mobile friendly (responsive design)
Open payments (pay any amount, any time, without adding products into cart).
Any currency support, automatic exchange rates manager and currency switcher.
Integration with Newsletter module
PDF and printable version invoices
After sales support/informational link for any product
Templating system
Payment simulator for Paypal (simulate Paypal payments without using sandbox!)
List of orders in administration section
Payment methods
Open Shop is shipped with many payment methods included. More can be developed and used.
Alpha bank e-Commerce
Piraeus bank ePOS
Bank deposit
Western union
All Pay (ask)
Shipping methods
Flat (shipping cost based on ordered products weight, free shipping limit)
Cart (Shipping cost based on order total amount)
ELTA (automatic shipping cost calculation based on the Hellenic postal service price catalog)
No shipping cost
A product in a list page
Additional extensions
A list of Elxis extensions you can use with Open Shop component.