Open Shop, the features-rich shopping cart for Elxis CMS, updated to version 3.9. This new version has, among others, improvements in shipping and payment methods as well as in orders management. You can add or remove products from an order, change shipping method or set custom charges and discounts. Shipping and payment methods can be auto enabled or disabled based on user defined rules (product volume and order amount). Also improvements made on BOX NOW and payment method Stripe was added.
Product volume (size) added as a new information element for the material products. There are 5 options for volume: Very small, Small, Medium, Large and Very large. How small is a Very small product is something you define. The same for the other volumes. The volume information is used in shipping methods as a way to define if a shipping method is suitable for a product. For instance, we can ship via courier a mobile phone (em>Very small) but we cannot ship via courier a sofa (em>Very large). A sofa would require a transportation company. When you edit a shipping method you can now define for which product volumes is suitable for. You can select All or any of the available options. When a customer places an order Open Shop finds the biggest volume of the ordered products and displays only the shipping methods available for these products. Especially for the shipping method BOX NOW you can optionally set different prices depending on the product volume. This is because BOX NOW has 3 different charges depending on the locker size (Very small, Small, Medium).
When you edit an order you can now change the selected shipping method. Edit order > 1st tab Order > Shipping > click on Change next to current shipping method to change it. The shipping method will be changed to the new one and shipping cost will be re-calculated. Pay attention that if the customer has already paid this order re-calculating shipping cost might change the order total amount.
You can now remove products from the order list and even add new ones! This can be super useful when a customer has ordered a product which is not available but an other similar one is available. Or the customer might have forgotten to add something in his order. After product addition or removal the order summary is been re-calculated (subtotal, coupon amount, tax, shipping amount, total).
An other cool feature is the ability to freely charge anything extra, not listed in the order, or even provide a discount. Edit order > 2nd tab Products > Order analysis. Click on the link, type a reason and provide a positive or a negative amount.
Finally, you can add custom notes in your order. Edit order > 5th tab Logs. Click on the plus icon, add some text and click Save. This can be useful if you want to note down partial payments, semi-delivery or other custom order status information.
You can enable/disable a payment method based on the ordered products amount. As amount is considered the ordered products cost without tax and shipping. So, you can set that Paypal is available for orders of more than 40 EUR, Stripe for orders of less than 50 EUR, etc. You configure this limit by setting a limit operator (less than or greater than) and a fixed amount. The idea behind this setting is to exclude payment methods which have big fees compared to the ordered products amount.
Open Shop is free and can be downloaded from For more inforamtion, questions and support visit the Elxis forums.